FACE - Facilitation is easy!

About Face

FACE is a Training Course taking place in Vinci (Italy) from 11th to 18th September 2017.


What does a Facilitator do? Who is a Facilitator?

The Training Course proposes methods and exercises to boost some of the Skills (Learning to Learn awareness, Effective Communication, Problem Solving, Creativity, Conflict Management, Designing a workshop) that a Facilitator should have.

A very practical learning with a session about designing a workshop and performing it!

The Course is organized by Associazione Agrado, with the cooperation of the Municipality of Vinci and other organizations.



This project has been funded with support from European Commission, approved with Reference Number 2017-1-IT03-KA105-010433 

Via Villa Alessandri, 3 - 50059 Vinci (FI) - Italy

info@associazioneagrado.com - www.associazioneagrado.com

Mobile: +39 347 6151141


Facebook: Associazione Agrado